Well think about it, Barnabas already parted from Paul. Paul didn't want to go with Mark. So that takes Paul completely off the list. So it was Barnabas and Mark who went.
They were the ones that started a rebellion
Yisroel, or Israel in English, plays a major role in all Abrahamic religions. The home of Jerusalem, Noah, Abraham, David, Canaanites, Israelites, Philistines, Amalekites, experienced the Crusades and the Muslim conquests, lived under the rule of dozens of empires, Eretz Yisrael, birthplace of the Jews and their struggles, and many other important roles, but for America? I'm not sure myself, probably in the 30's and 40's to escape the holocaust, or to find better lives like the Irish and the Italians.
D. Rule of law
States that all people in a country, regardless of rank or status, should be held to the same legal standards.
Well first of all we won the war so we are able to pursue and press charges in the court of law. The evidence is huge and the unprovoked aggression of the germans in France and Czech had to be used in trial against the germans.