house of refugee
In 1824, the New York Legislature approved construction of a House of Refuge for juvenile delinquents and discovered the first detention system that separated children from adults.
Athens and Sparta, two of the most prominent Greek city-states, had a few similarities. Other than being apart of Greece and the language they spoke, they both worshipped the same gods, which are the twelve Olympian gods and goddesses, which included Zeus, Poseidon, and Aphrodite. Additionally, slaves played a major role in both city-states. These Greek city-states were clear rivals, but they did team up to defeat the Persians during the Greco-Persian War. Following their victory, both city states alliances with other city-states to create Athen’s Delians League and Sparta’s Peloponnesian League; these leagues were obvious rivals which led to the peloponnesian War between these city-states and the final outcome was Sparta defeating the Athenians and taking them over. Athens and Greece, even though they have some similarities, are exceedingly different, especially when looking at their government, economy, and cultural value. When looking at their governments, the Athenian government is purely a democracy, where the spartan government is a mix of a monarchy and an oligarchy. It is says in this excerpt from “The Spartan Constitution,” written by Aristotle, “... they praise the Lacedaemonian because it is made up of oligarchy, monarchy, and democracy, the king forming the monarchy, and the council of elders the oligarchy while the democratic element is represented by the Ephors; for the Ephors are selected from the people.” Aristotle is directly telling us here that the
The statement that best describes the industrialization of other wester nations after Britain is option A. Some nations learned about the new technology and had more resources than Britain so they could advance quickly.