Many rickettsia are PATHOGENS.
Pathogens are micro organism that cause diseases and rickettsia are majorly disease causing organisms. They are rod shaped bacteria and most species are gram negative. They are natural parasite of some arthropods and they cause diseases in both humans and animals.
The appropriate response is the lens. In the wake of passing the student, light crosses this. It is a bent, straightforward structure that serves to give extra core interest. It is appended to muscles that can change its shape to help in centering light that is reflected from close or far articles. In ordinary located people, it will concentrate pictures splendidly on a little space in the back of the eye known as the fovea.
The male contributes the sperm and the female contributes the egg or ovum. Then they meet in the fallopian tube and becomes a zygote.
Hard, dense bone tissue that is beneath the outer membrane of bone <span />