The sence receptors for taste are taste receptors and these receptors are located in oral cavity!
The atmosphere transfers heat energy and moisture across the Earth. Incoming solar radiation (insolation) is redistributed from areas in which there is a surplus of heat (the equator) to areas where there is a heat deficit (the North and South Pole). This is achieved through a series of atmospheric cells: the Hadley cell, the Ferrel cell and the Polar cell (Figure 2). These operate in a similar way to, and indeed interact with, the ocean conveyor.
For example, as the oceans at low latitudes are heated, water evaporates and is transported poleward as water vapour. This warm air eventually cools and subsides. Changes in temperature and CO2 concentrations can lead to: changes in the size of atmospheric cells (in particular, the Hadley cell is susceptible to these alterations); warming in the troposphere; and disproportionately strong warming in Arctic regions. The strong interactions between ocean and atmospheric dynamics, and the significant feedback mechanisms between them, mean that climate researchers must consider these Earth components as interlinked systems. The necessity to assess ocean-atmospheric changes at the global scale has implications for the way in which research is conducted. It is only by integrating palaeo evidence of past changes, with present day monitoring, and projected models,
c. There is uncontrolled cell division.
There is uncontrolled cell division that result in the improper functioning of a checkpoint protein in a cancer cell because checkpoint protein monitors and control the the process of cell cycle. If mutation occurs in this checkpoint protein, the cycle is no longer in control which leads to the uncontrolled cell division and we also know that cancer is a disease which occurs due to uncontrolled division of the cell.
The foreign gene might be lost
Restriction enzymes have two properties useful in recombinant DNA technology.They cut DNA into fragments of a size suitable for cloning at palindromic sites. Many restriction enzymes make staggered cuts that create single-stranded sticky ends conducive to the formation of recombinant DNA. The foreign might be cleaved and removed from the plasmid. plasmid is an extrachromosomal strand in bacteria.