Wear the RIGHT SAFETY EQUIPMENT for the job.
Use tools that are the RIGHT SIZE & RIGHT TYPE for your job.
Follow the correct procedure for using EVERY tool.
Keep your cutting tools SHARP and in good condition.
DON'T work with OILY or GREASY hands.
At least 3 days per week with sufficient reps and sets.
Making decisions are always an important part. But failure in making decision may cause something unexpected. in most of the time a right decision at right time helps a lot... so for making a good decision one should follow some steps- like what are the good aspect if someone take this decision and what are the negative impact of this decision and if the probability of positiveness is more... than one should take that decision.. and if someone have confusion between what to do? and have to decide which decision to take among many ideas in mind one should do the same steps but this time he/she should write them in a page for each decision a single page and than take the one which is prominent..