They have a rhyme scheme of ABAB, CDCD, EFEF. The final two lines are a couplet and have the rhyme scheme GG. You can see the pattern with the last words of each line in the Shakespearean sonnet example noted above: A - sun.
The answer is C: they treat him cruelly.
Hope this helps!
Answer:standing in the rain watching it fall like salt on desert,and smelling the heat off the pavement like the fog left a warm dryer sheet smell over the road,as I walk down the road my squeaky rubber boots plunge into the tiny ocean under my feet and fly up like everything’s in reverse
Rhombus. It is the only quadrilateral that has all sides equal.
Here we see the sides are all 5 cm.
I’m pretty sure it’s a metaphor!
the poet refers to the 'wealth' of happiness and gaiety.