Infections, radiation, UV light, and so forth causes transformations in microscopic organisms. Yes, transformations can influence plasmids. The capacity of plasmids in microscopic organisms is that hello can give extra qualities that may help the bacterium in the earth.
This is unethical.
Every creature contributes one way or the other to the existence of ecosystem,and the stabity of the biodervasity. The whale is one of the major componets of the aquatic biodiversity .Therefore continous killing whch may lead to extinction would distablized rthe bioderstiy and leads to the loss of ecosystem.
Besides,if whales goes into exticntion this would affet the future generations to learn from their existence?Therefore for preservation for future generations,they must be protected for extictinon.
The advent of biotechnology,has shown the genetic products of human and animals could be used to produce genetically modifjed product for humanity Thus if whale goes into exticntion this may not be possible.
1. Behavioral
2. Structural.
3. Structural.
4. Behavioral.
5. behavioral.
6. Functional
I did my best on these, hope it helps!
Sensory neurons send messages to the central nervous system.