The foramen magnum, the opening through which the brain and the spinal cord make connection, is in the lowest part of the fossa.
Uhh because they can kill you lol
In my personal experience In order to stay fit I do ballet and tennis. Those two things have helped me stay healthy and fit as well as creating hobbies! I also want to mention that I take vitamin supplements just in case if I am not for filling my normal vitamin intake from foods. So for example I take some vitamin C powder! I think it’s extremely important to work on your health and your physical activity because later in life all these things will affect you in a positive way so you won’t have to worry too much of your health considering the fact that you have been working on your health for the past years. I’ve also read that eating healthy can help you age backwards so you’ll look much younger at the age of 50 then you would if you didn’t take care of yourself physically. <3 have a great day
Answer: decrease in price of soda.
Soda has been found to be associated with tooth decay, and high risk of cardiac diseases and disorder like diabetes type2.
If large population decides to stop the consumption of soda due to health issues then the demand for soda in market will decrease. This will eventually leads to drop in price of soda in the market.