There would be higher prices and fewer flights.
It is to accomplish edification amid a period when it was thought to not be conceivable. The pure land is a custom of Buddhist lessons that are centered around Amitābha Buddha. Pure Land situated practices and ideas are found inside essential Mahāyāna Buddhist cosmology and shape a vital part of the Mahāyāna Buddhist conventions of Tibet, China, Korea, Vietnam, and Japan
Hi there!
The principle of SOCIAL CONFORMITY.
It showed that people tend to engage behaviours more likely in confirmation of the society at large.
The interesting question is when everybody is thinking about confirming then who decide what behavior to engage in, from the start? That is if we are supposed to DRINK in a Social gathering when all are drinking. Then who thought that Drinking is to be done by all, or who sets the social norm and how is the degree of strictness understood and enforced?
is it something we just think and that the norms doesn't actually exist?
Some food for thought!
hope it make sense!
Answer: Emigrant
A person that leaves their country of origin is referred to as an emigrant. An emigrant moves to another country in order to seek better living standard.
People also move abroad for educational purposes, due to marriage or due to economic opportunities. For example, Africans moved to developed countries in order to seek better opportunities.
What best account for Marcia's feelings is that Passionate love has decreased, but Compassionate love has increased.
Passionate love can be described as a state of intense longing for union with another person. This type of love is more at the outset of a relationship. People in this state of love need to be near the other person, they may think about the other person constantly, and experience extreme distress when separated. It also includes an obsessive element, characterized by intrusive thinking, uncertainty, and mood swings. This type of love can work well at the beginning of relationships but can be hurtful in the long run.
Compassionate love is characterized by its level of intimacy. Also called companionate love, it is about intimacy, trust, commitment, and affection. In a long-term relationship, passionate love typically simmers down to compassionate love within one to two years.
People who are in compassionate love still feel passionate about one another, but the intensity typically feels less overwhelming and urgent. This type of love involves caring deeply for the other person, truly knowing the other individual, and is committed to the other person through both good times and bad.