Zhou Dynasty rules China through the idea of the Mandate of Heaven. Zhou Dynasty would keep customs and traditions from the Shang Dynasty to show the continuity of the old things to gain trust and maintain peace in the kingdom.
The white primary effectively excluded blacks from having any say in selecting the state’s elected officials.

Because, They don't have another money, or people doesn't really care about them. The poor have struggles to have medical attention how they life style is like. It's hard for them to get enough medical attention, and, that's why sometimes people need to donation some money that the poor can get food, fresh water, medicine they need. Sometimes when people try to help Mother Nature comes in.. and, ruin everything. Soooo... yeah.
Hopefully, this helps you!!

Ooh I know this one!
Josef Mengele was an infamous Nazi doctor and he presided over the Auschwitz arrivals.