The line that described the world of the lady of shallot were found in the stanzas five to eight of the book
The line that described how the world of the lady of Shalott differs from that of that of the Camelot from the book "The Lady of Shalott" written by Alfred, Lord Tennyson is written between stanzas five to eight of the book.
It described her as someone who suffers from a strange curse and that she must persistently weave images on her loom without looking out of the world directly, but alternatively, she can view the world through a mirror which always shows the reflection of the people of Camelot when passing by her island and also the busy street.
"Overlook a space of flowers,
And silent isle imbowers
The Lady of Shalott".
The term<u> free speech</u> refers to all of the types of mechanisms and structures that permit people to communicate their political wants with institutions of government.
Freedom of speech means the right to communicate and express ones opinion, idea, pass information freely without the oppression or restrictions of institutions of government. A person or a community can express their ideas and opinions without the fear of being marginalized. They are free to speak out or communicate freely without the fear of retaliation or legal sanctions from government institutions.
In the United States, people are free to criticize the government and question policies freely. The government also encourage the promotion of ideas and beliefs that other people may find controversial or offensive but everyone is entitled to their opinions and free speech. So what might be offensive to a person may not be to another.
He hates it because it is Juliet's family's foe, and is willing to change it to please her
Romeo suddenly hates his name because he discovers that his name is the same as the name of the foe of Juliet's family.
He is displeased when he learns of this and is willing to change his name so that he can please his lover, Juliet.
The answer is a. Low because that describes spirts.
The correct answers are options two and four.
In the excerpt from "Enrique's Journey," the author depicts the adversities the protagonist will come up against once in Chiapas. For example, he uses the migrants' expression "the beast" to refer to thieves, street gangs and the police.
Finally, even though Enrique knows the challenges he must confront, he is still determined to go through them in order to find his mother.