The second one contains a capitalization error.
Elpenor was one of Odysseus' comrades, and happened to be the youngest. This was labelled as part of the road of trials for that fact he had to mourn about this, thinking this was his fault. He had to overcome this.
The answer is hyperactive.
The word hyperactive refers to extremely active or abnormally active. Hyperactive is the adjective form of hyperaction. Hyperactively is the adverb form. The work inactive refers to being not engaged or not working while the word reactive refers to the acting in response to a situation.
The setting she imparted to Tea Cake in Florida reverberates such a great amount with what we envision pursuing our fantasies would feel like. In the last part, she closes her story with Phoeby expressing that ". Dey gointuh make 'miration 'cause mah love didn't work lak they cherish.
If they ever had any" implying that no affection contrast with hers - she lived by her very own conditions, and is appreciative for Tea Cake taking her to her life's frame of reference. She could carry on with a satisfying life, free from the judgment of others. The general population in the town could talk all they need to, however they conceivably never experieced freedom like hers.
Aunt Harriet did not kill herself or the baby, though it does seem like it at first. If you read the pages carefully, Joseph Strorm kills her actually. In the pages after Harriet leaves, David's mom says she will pray for gods forgiveness for Harriet, but J.strorm talks about the heresies of women, how they can get away with it but he says how aunt Harriet won't get away with it this time. The page after, David says how they found aunt Harriet's body in a river, his dad mentioned her in his prayers but never again. This implies murder.