live refers to happening right now and footage refers to videos taken and captured.
The solution is as follows.
class LFilters implements Lock {
int[] lvl;
int[] vic;
public LFilters(int n, int l) {
lvl = new int[max(n-l+1,0)];
vic = new int[max(n-l+1,0)];
for (int i = 0; i < n-l+1; i++) {
lvl[i] = 0;
public void lock() {
int me = ThreadID.get();
for (int i = 1; i < n-l+1; i++) { // attempt level i
lvl[me] = i;
vic[i] = me;
// rotate while conflicts exist
int above = l+1;
while (above > l && vic[i] == me) {
above = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {
if (lvl[k] >= i) above++;
public void unlock() {
int me = ThreadID.get();
lvl[me] = 0;
The code is presented above in which the a class is formed which has two variables, lvl and vic. It performs the operation of lock as indicated above.
Check explanation
Two stacks can make use of one array by utilizing various stack pointers that begins from different ends of an array. Looking at the array A[1...], the first stack will drive elements that starts from position 1 as well as to move its' pointer to .
The Second stack will begin at the position and motion its' pointer to 1. The best likely divide is to offer each stack a half of an array. whenever any of two stacks transverse the half-point, an overflow can happen but for that overall number of elements, it must be