Globalized evolution...... but I might be wrong
Because if you don’t you may die or get seriously hurt. Or just the investigation will go wrong and get unclear or wrong answers
The answer is d. prevention of muscle strains. Other benefits
of flexibility are Joint health, prevention of low back pain injuries, temporary
reduction of post-exercise muscle soreness, relief of aches and pains, relief
of muscle cramps, maintenance of good posture and balance, relaxation.
I found the whole exercise on the internet. Attached is the scheme with labels for the gametes, f2 generation, and respective frequencies.
For the gametes position, on the left pink square on the male gametes side you should put a capital G, <span>and on the right pink square on the male gametes side you should put a small g, as</span> the only two possible offsprings that are showing is "GG" under the left male gamete and "gg" under the right male gamete. On the top pink square on the female gametes side you should put a capital G, and on the bottom pink square on the female gametes side you should put a small g, as the only two possible offsprings that are showing is "GG" on the same line as the top female gamete and "gg" on the same line as the bottom female gamete.
As for the frequencies of the gametes, you should put the white label that marks 1/2 by the side of each gamete.
Related to the F2 generation, the top right and bottom left pink squares should have the label with a capital G and small g - "Gg" which reflects the combination of the male gamete on its line with the female gamete also on its line.
As for the frequencies of the progeny, each of the genotypes formed from the union of the gametes should have by the side the white label that marks 1/4.
The totals would be that GG is 1/4, Gg is 1/2 (1/4+1/4), and gg is also 1/4.
This is referred to as the mutual pretense awareness. This is different from the open awareness where the patient, the family, and the health care professionals are aware that the patient is dying and open;y acknowledge that reality. There are four awareness contexts which includes; closed awareness, suspected awareness, mutual pretense awareness and open awareness.