Answer: </em></h2><h2><em>"Cuando me enfermé de gripe, me encontraba en un viaje familiar cerca de un bosque, el clima era agradable pero cambiaba continuamente, salimos la segunda noche mi hermana y yo a jugar con nuestra mascota ya que cerca había un río, empezó a llover levemente, nuestros padres repetidamente nos gritaban que tuviéramos cuidado y que volviéramos porque estaba lloviendo, nos acercamos al río y jugando me caí, jugamos mucho tiempo bajo la lluvia hasta que paró y regresamos, al siguiente día iríamos a un paseo a la montaña, pero todo tuvo que esperar debido a que mi cabeza empezó a doler, no podía levantarme y no paraba de estornudar, mis padres y abuelos se enojaron con nosotras porque debíamos haber hecho caso, me llevaron al médico y tuve que pasarme todo el viaje en cama, no pude hacer ninguna de las actividades planeadas y mi cuerpo dolía!; </em></h2><h2><em>moraleja.- hagan caso a sus padres o se tendrán que quedar en cama en lugar de hacer cosas interesantes." </em></h2>
<em>Note: Hi! this isn't my story, but I hope it can help you!, if you need something more I speak spanish :D</em>
Hope it helps:)
Due to the way the world was created and it’s been this way for thousands of years so if we wanted to know we would need a time machine
i know this is for Penn foster i took it and here is the answer:
a man and his wife had a horse but they wanted something more helpful
so he took the horse to a market to sell it when he saw a really pretty cow so he called out to the owner and traded his horse for the cow
so the moral of the story is trading ima just tell what the basics
he traded his horse for the cow
then he traded the cow for a sheep
then he traded the sheep for a goose
then he traded his goose for a hen
then he stopped to take a break when a guy with rotten apples passed by
so he traded his hen for the rotten apples
then he returned home and told his wife and they laughed and talked about what they would have had if he kept each animal
so that's basically what happened but when you submit your answers don't use my answer word for word i hope this will help u