C. They both believed that individuals have the right and the responsibility to protest unjust laws.
Thoreau and M. Luther King believed that one should speak out against an injustice. They believed that the government had flaws . They believed that one should stand up for what he or she believes in, as well as accepting the consequences for his actions.
Answer:False, "Being prepared means that you have selected a topic appropriate to your audience, gathered enough information to cover the topic well, put your information into a logical sequence, and considered how best to present it"
The Ethical Communicator Is Respectful
Being respectful is based on how we display our emotions and how our logic influences our communication techniques
The ethical communicator always convey their message in a passionate and enthusiastic way. It would be regarded as being disrespectful if one were to lose their temper during their communication and is regarded as unprofessional. When one communicates it is always crucial to convey the message in a calm and respectful way no matter how one feels at that moment in order to maintain professionalism.
To answer the three key questions, to make decisions concerning what, how and for whom