El sistema nervioso tiene dos partes principales: El sistema nervioso central está compuesto por el cerebro y la médula espinal. El sistema nervioso periférico está compuesto por todos los nervios que se ramifican desde la médula espinal y se extienden a todas las partes del cuerpo.
Execration in man
transport and gutation in plant
A hypertonic solution
There is a greater concentration of solutes outside of the cell than there is inside the cell, therefore it will rush out.
Water distribution on Earth greatly affect settlement of population because water is a necessary item for the survival of living creatures. Without water there is no life. Availability of water increases vegetation and increases the beautification of the area and peoples are attracted to live there.
Those areas where plenty of water is available having maximum population while those areas where water is present in low quantity, the population is also low like deserts.