The process of photosynthesis converts light energy into stored chemical energy by converting carbon dioxide plus water into sugars plus released oxygen.
Two alleles determine your blood type, one which comes from mother and another from father.
. The main structural differences between plant and animal cells are the additional structures found in plant cells. These structures include: chloroplasts, the cell wall, and vacuoles. In animal cells, the mitochondria produces the majority of the cells energy from food.
Transpiration is the process in which plants release water back into the atmosphere in the form of water vapor. In simplest terms, transpiration is the evaporation of water from plant leaves. This process occurs from the roots of the plants that carry moisture to the undersides of the leaves and is then released through the pores of the leaves back into the atmosphere. About 10% of the moisture in the atmosphere is released by plants through this process; while the other 90% come from bodies of water.
Presence of acidic oxides and other chemicals in air can change the PH value of the Rain.
Generally, PH value of rain remains 5.0. But when the air composition changes due to sulfur dioxide or nitrogen oxides released from automobiles and coal based power plants, the combination of these with rain water makes rainy water more acidic. This results in change of PH value of Rain.