Wow Describe in my own words,
Very smart they did that so the enemy
would grow bigger not in size but in area
so I would say their pretty neat with tricks
After the crusades, the social class that became important to expanding trade networks is the Bourgeoisie. A Bourgeoisie is a characteristic of a person of the middle class. Typically with reference to its perceived materialistic values or conventional attitudes. It is also marked by a concern for material interests, and respectability and a tendency toward mediocrity.
Hitler started off with gettos with little food and supplies and he said it was too slow he made death camps such as aushwitz killing people with zyklon gas and burning the bodies in the oven if you were lucky they would make you work some died when they got lined up and shot after digging their own graves some died on trains they took Jews to other camps
porque los países más pobres sufren debido a la naturaleza injusta y costosa de los acuerdos de libre comercio. El libre comercio incrementó la prosperidad principalmente para los estadounidenses. Mientras que los ciudadanos de países tercermundistas deben trabajar en condiciones de trabajo deplorables, sus puestos de trabajo están en riesgo constante y sus países sufren daños económicos