In political systems that allow and protect this right, the system is able to be altered by the people if they think that it should be. This means that if they disagree with something, they are able to petition it without being harassed or arrested. This can change the political system if the system gets to where the people don’t have rights and they will try and change that.
The first bomb, dropped on the city of Hiroshima on 6 August 1945, resulted in a death toll of around 135,000. The second, which hit Nagasaki on 9 August, killed at least 50,000 people – according to some estimates, as many as 74,000 died.<span>It was certainly a reasonable view for the USA to take, since they had suffered the loss of more than 418,000 lives, both military and civilian. To the top rank of the US military the 135,000 death toll was worth it to prevent the “many thousands of American troops [that] would be killed in invading Japan” – a view attributed to the president himself.</span><span>the US wasn’t justified. Even secretary of war Henry Lewis Stimson was not sure the bombs were needed to reduce the need of an invasion: “Japan had no allies; its navy was almost destroyed; its islands were under a naval blockade; and its cities were undergoing concentrated air attacks.”</span><span>The atom bombs achieved their desired effects by </span>causing maximum devastation<span>. Just six days after the Nagasaki bombing, the Emperor’s Gyokuon-hōsō speech was broadcast to the nation, detailing the Japanese surrender. The devastation caused by the bombs sped up the Japanese surrender, which was the best solution for all parties.</span>
Record Group 46; Records of the United States Senate, 1789-1990; National Archives.) The Monroe Doctrine was articulated in President James Monroe's seventh annual message to Congress on December 2, 1823.
Mahatma Gandhi
The leader of the nonviolent movement that secured India's freedom was Mohandas Gandhi which was known as Mahatma Gandhi. Ghandi was an Indian lawyer, anti-colonial nationalist, and political ethicist. He led a nonviolent resistance in order to gain India's Independence from British Rule. This movement was so powerful and successful that it in turn inspired various civil rights and freedom movements all over the world.
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