<h3>C) intolerance of the majority culture
During the process of racial socialization, people are made to understand about their ethnic identity and culture and the experiences they may encounter within society.
Racial socialization helps individuals to get along in the mainstream society by teaching them ways to deal with racism.
Intolerance of the majority culture is not a process of racial socialization. It is an attitude that does not support the qualities of inter-cultural assimilation. It is the inability to embrace cultural and racial differences.
He refers by 'pulse' the way you can check the state about something that is not visible at once, like when you check somebody's heart condition just by checking his pulse or heartbeat. Even though he lived in the continent and he could check the state of things as a journalist, he could imagine or make an idea for himself about what was the state of things in places he couldn't see or visit by himself. Then, this idea would come from the people who used railroads which crossed the continent by then. It is also a way to describe media in his times because he could know about something that was happening somewhere else through the fastest transportation mean in his time. As public transportation means, people who used railroads also brought news from they were coming from, so locals could know the whereabouts from a distant place that they could know or check by themselves.
I used the term 'pulse' to explain what does Whitman mean on this statement.
Overgeneralization is a cognitive distortion (automatic thoughts). It is about reaching hasty and erroneous conclusions based only on a small perception. If something bad happens only once, we expect this to happen again and again. The sentence is an example of see an unpleasant situation as part of an endless defeat.