1. They took it for granted.
2. They went too far.
3. They mumbled.
4. They had a food time.
5. They got their way.
6. They made quite a splash.
7. They had a falling-out with us.
8. They blocked our way.
9. They complimented us.
10. They kicked the bucket.
Answer 1 Cuando era joven, Carmen siempre jugaba con las muñecas.
Answer 2 Mis hermanos y yo visitábamos a nuestros abuelos cada verano.
Answer 3 Cada año los niños iban al parque de atracciones con sus padres.
Answer 4 ¿Tocabas un instrumento cuando eras niño?
Answer 5 ¿Practicaban uds. algún deporte cuando eran niños?
Answer 6 De niño, yo veía películas de horror de vez en cuando, pero siempre estaba asustada después.
They both make plenty of sense!!
Answer: 1 = Family Members. 2= The parents. 3 = the father, papa. 4 = the mother, mama. 5= the son. 6 = the daughter 7 = grandpa 8 = grandma. 9 = the great grandfather. 10 = the brother. 11 = the aunt. 12 = the uncle. 13 = the cousin. 14 = a cousin. 15 = the nephew. 16 = niece. 17= grandson. 18 = the granddaughter. 19 = stepfather. 20 = stepmother 21 = stepson. 22= stepdaughter. 22 = step brother. 23 = step sister. 24 = brother in law. 25 = sister in law. 26 = parents. 27 = children. 28= grandparents. 29 = great-grandparents. 30 = brothers. 31 = the guys. 32 = cousins. 33 = nephews. 34 = the grandsons.
Explanation you better give me brainliest because this sucked to do