Romeo and Juilet, The Merchant of Venice, The Tempest, Twelfth Night, Othello, King Lear, Much Ado About Nothing, Midsummer Night's Dream, Macbeth, and Hamlet
The appositive phrase is not Maya Lin, like the comment above me stated, but it is B) Chinese-American.
An appositive phrase is usually separated from the rest of the sentence by commas, and it describes the subject, which here is Maya Lin.
Yes but there's a mistake.
Mistake: Some where in the middle
It says "Oh hey, my im Osric, we better get started".
You have to fix Oh hey, my im Osric to, "Oh hey, I'm Osric".
But, other things are that this is very creative, it mentions words like, "Vividly, rare, miniature, rigid, desolate and lingered. These are very creative words.
And yes, thanks for that awesome lil' story!
had cooked
If Dolma had cooked dinner, it would be chicken and rice.
Adults who are caregivers can help the teenagers cope with the transition better by being patient and caring. ... a) Adults should remind themselves that hormones play an important role in the behavioral changes and mood swings in teenagers. b) Teenagers sometimes respond rudely during conversations.