Exposition means a comprehensive description and explanation of an idea or theory.
Entry control loop. Because a while loop can be infinite or not based on whether Boolean given is T or F. So we need to know the preexisting condition before we can solve it.
With this you just have to think about what do different shoes do and why? For example, track shoes need to be extremely light to make it so the runners don't need to move excess weight to accelerate faster whereas basketball shoes can be heavier because they need high ankle coverage for more ankle support during moves like the crossover. Then the key factors that I would do personally are: difficulty to produce, benefit to athlete, cost to athlete, weight, and support. My advice would be to systematically go through a bunch of sports and talk about each of their shoes...
C.) New discoveries make the current model inaccurate. Since
science is all about observation and experimentation, it is logical that
whenever new findings are gathered, scientific models must be modified to adapt
to the information. As new ideas and concepts are uncovered, models should be
updated to make them correct.