Don't respond to it. Either leave it there, or just delete it. It is most likely spam or a scammer trying to get your information. Don't respond, please.
Since wireframing and storyboarding are both part of the developing phase, I would think that the answer is Planning
The IBM 1401 is a variable-word length decimal computer that was announced by IBM on October 5, 1959.
How do I change the font color in swing?
To set the font and color of JTextArea we can use the setFont() and setForeground() methods of the JTextArea . To create a font we must define the font name, the font style and its size. For the colors we can uses the constant color values defined by the Color class.
The following Python program uses a combination of dictionary, list, regex, and loops to accomplish what was requested. The function takes a file name as input, reads the file, and saves the individual words in a list. Then it loops through the list, adding each word into a dictionary with the number of times it appears. If the word is already in the dictionary it adds 1 to its count value. The program was tested with a file named great_expectations.txt and the output can be seen below.
import re
def wordCount(fileName):
file = open(fileName, 'r')
wordList =
wordList = re.split('\s', wordList)
wordDict = {}
for word in wordList:
if word in wordDict:
wordDict[word] = wordDict.get(word) + 1
wordDict[word] = 1