There are no options.
It would, however, look larger.
Answer: keeps confidential documents secure,
displays a GUI, allocates the computer's resources, and retrieves files
The operating system can be defined as the software installed in the system that provides the information and services to the users by controlling the hardware, software resources, and regulates the computer programs. It runs the applications and programs in the system, displays the graphic user interface for the services, stores, manipulates, and retrieves files. It prevents the unauthorized access to the data and programs by using passwords thus provides the security to the system and documents.
The following code is written in Java and creates all of the methods that were requested in the question. There is no main method in any of these classes so they will have to be called from the main method and call one of the objects created method for the code to be tested. (I have tested it and it is working perfectly.)
class Point {
private int x, y;
public void Point(int x, int y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public double distance (Point other) {
double distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((other.x - this.x), 2) + Math.pow((other.y - this.y), 2));
return distance;
public int quadrant() {
if (this.x > 0 && this.y > 0) {
return 1;
} else if (this.x < 0 && this.y > 0) {
return 2;
} else if (this.x < 0 && this.y < 0) {
return 3;
} else if (this.x > 0 && this.y < 0) {
return 4;
} else {
return 0;
class Name {
String firstName, lastName;
char middleInitial;
public String getNormalOrder() {
String fullName = firstName + " " + middleInitial + " " + lastName;
return fullName;
public String getReverseOrder() {
String fullName = lastName + ", " + firstName + " " + middleInitial;
return fullName;
The windows of death color is blue and with a sad face and says “your pc has ran to a problem and needs to restart. We’re just collecting some error info, and then we will restart it for you