◇ Discuss the ethical responsibilities of the politicians
➢ Each citizen has their own belief and morals toward a particularly controversial topic, nonetheless, it is the political authorities' duty to respect others' beliefs and advocate for the beliefs of their constituents while following the law and constitution.
They force views on people!
Frank was asking for his workers: <u>smart goals.</u>
Frank was asking smart goals to their employees. Smart goals have the characteristics of being specific so that they can be reachable, also that they can be evaluated, and also attainable. Since it has to do with goals related to work they should be oriented to obtain results, and to be organized with target days so time was accountable fot the objectives.
Objects have the same velocity only if they are moving the same speed and in the same direction. objects moving at different speeds, in different directions or both have different velocities. they represent objects that have different velocities only because they are moving in different directions.
<u>poor; good </u>
<u>Validity:</u> In research, the term "validity" is determined as the extent or degree to which a specific test or research claims to compute or measure. However, it is considered as important for a test or a research to be valid in order to for the results to be properly interpreted and accurately applied.
<u>Reliability:</u> In research, the term "reliability" is determined as the consistency of a particular test or research. In other words, a particular test should give rise to the similar results if measured at an interval of time.
<u>In the question above, the given method has poor validity and good reliability.</u>