Just read lol.
Da Vinci was one of the most famous polymaths who ever lived and along with other notable figures such as Benjamin Franklin and Johann Goethe, pushed the boundaries of what many believed to be possible. Unfortunately, we seem to have forgotten the insights that these exceptional figures gave us into the benefits of pursuing multiple interests.
As noted by Robert Twigger, Leonardo Da Vinci was said to be just as proud of his ability to bend iron bars with his hands as he was of the Mona Lisa.
They had to fill in for men. They had to work hard in mines, shoppes, ect. They were working to fill in for their husbands plus their jobs in the homes.
<span>The declaration abolished the three estates.
The only ones who can run for political office are the nes who are according to the law and have no debits with it. The first point is to bel legally able to ellect a candidate and and be indicated asa candidate who can be voted and elected.