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This attraction occurs as a result of static charge. You see an atom is referred to as the smallest particle of a substance; and when an atom gains or looses electrons it becomes unstable creating a difference in potential. However in this case rubbing induces friction which induces heat. This heat excites the atom to loose electrons creating a negative charge on the silk and a converse positive charge on the pencil.
Bacterial DNA replication moves out from the origin of replication in two directions, while eukaryotic DNA replication moves out from the origin of replication in only one direction.
means lethal dose. LD50 is the amount of a material, administered at once to
cause the death of half (50%) of a group of test organisms. A test which shows that LD50 of a certain
chemical is 20 mg per kg means that 20 milligrams of that chemical for every 1
kilogram body weight of the test animal when administered in one dose, causes
the death of 50% of the test group.</span>
Answer and Explanation:
Because the DNA sequence determines a protein's amino acid sequence, a gene shared by two closely related organisms should have similar, or even identical, amino acid sequences. That's because closely related species most likely diverged from one another fairly recently in the evolutionary span. Thus, they haven't had as much time to accumulate random mutations in their genetic codes.
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