China's economy is a lot bigger, and a lot more complex, than UAE's economy. China is an industrial powerhouse with over 1 billion people, and for this reason, China's imports and exports are very diverse. Exports are mostly manufactured goods like electronic components, appliances, automobiles, etc. While imports are also mostly manufactured goods, but also many raw materials like oil, natural gas, and copper.
UAE's economy is smaller and more simple. Exports are mainly oil, and also pearls, while imports are mainly manufactured goods, but also agricultural goods, due to the lack of arable land in UAE (Almost the entire country is a desert).
I would have to say invalid.
There is not enough information to have a fully valid argument.
The action that you must take would be to turn your vessel around to avoid the risk of collision.
Those in the upper-class tend to hoard resources and be less generous than they could be.
But the differences between people of upper and lower-classes seems to be the product of the cultural environment, not ingrained traits. Studies have found that as people rise in the classes, they become less empathetic.