The answer is B) Rene Descartes
The correct answer is <span>comorbidity</span>. Comorbidity is the occurence of one or more diseases or disorders that occur along side the main disorder or the disease. A comorbidity is a single additional disorder or disease and there can be multiple of these. The example would be depression and alongside it alcohol dependence as a comorbidity.
Answer: The desire satisfaction theory states that the level of individuals happiness has to do with the satisfaction of their desires.
The desire satisfaction theory states that individuals level of well-being is directly proportional to the total level of desires satisfied in their life. According to the theory, one's life goes well once the person achieves his or her desires. Something is good for a person only if it satisfies the person's desires.
A desire might become defective because it is pointless not because the desire was not satisfied. Sometimes we have irrational or ill informed desires. An example is an individual who desires to draw a tattoo on his body but later becomes disappointed after drawing the tattoo. According to desire satisfaction theorists, this can be as a result of information failure. Also, theorists say that an individual might be worse off satisfying some desires not as a result of lower satisfaction gotten from the fulfillment of the desire but because the satisfaction is bad in itself. Lastly, theorists say a person may be disappointed because the desire is pointless and hence lacks excellence e.g. hitting a football against the wall or counting blade grasses.
Characteristics. Authoritarianism is characterized by highly concentrated and centralized government power maintained by political repression and the exclusion of potential challengers. It uses political parties and mass organizations to mobilize people around the goals of the regime.