March, 29 1973. If it asks you a reason why the US left Vietnam, it's because the US signed a peace treaty in Paris.
The separation of the Christian church into western and Eastern was quite anticipated on the basis of these conflicts:
-Disagreements between churches. Churches could not find agreement either in rites, in politics or in culture.
-Disagreements in politics. The main problem of the conflict on the political ground was the antagonism between emperors of Byzantium and the Roman Paami.
-Disagreement in culture. The main problem in the cultural sphere was the difference between languages. So, in the east the main language was Greek, and in the West-Latin. In other words, to read each other's literature, people were looking for translations, otherwise,they were fond of different books.
Answer: A. An alliance with Ousamequin helped the Pilgrims survive and lasted 50 years.
There is no article referenced however the above should be the correct answer because it is a topic or idea that a passage can be built upon and that the other options can fall under.
When the English settlers first arrived in the Plymouth Colony they made contact with the Wampanoag who were led by the great Chief Ousamequin. Ousamequin saw this as an opportunity to protect his people and so got into an alliance with them.
This alliance was mutually beneficial because it enabled an exchanged of information and absence of hostilities that ensured that the Pilgrims survived. The alliance went on to last more than 50 years.
Sri Lankans speak the language of Tamil.
The motives behind the United States declining aid to the Hungarian patriots in 1849 was because they did not want to waste resources nor time on something like a rebellion when they were busy expanding themselves. They also were having conflicts with China and Europe to deal with and did not want get into another.