B. Suleyman the Magnificent led the Ottoman Turks to the height of power
Suleyman the Magnificent is the most respected and admired Ottoman ruler by the Turkish people. The reason for this is that Suleyman the Magnificent managed to bring the empire to the height of power. He was a very well educated man, and also he was very wise. He loved the arts and the craftsmanship, so he initiated the development of the arts in the empire. Suleyman had military successes too, and he was a very good military tactician, managing to further expand the territory in the Balkan Peninsula, defeating the Serbians and capturing Belgrade. Suleyman is also well respected because he was responsible for cultural development of the empire.
A bill protecting individual rights
The fundamental individual rights of a society, such as a freedom of speech and the right to jury of trial, which in the United States is protecting by the bill of rights. Bill of rights (enacted in 1791) The constitution's failure to enumerate individuals freedom led to demands for the bill of rights.
At the time of his death, his empire encompassed much of Western Europe. Charlemagne was buried at the cathedral in Aachen. In the ensuing decades, his empire was divided up among his heirs, and by the late 800s, it had dissolved.
Option A. Chief Citizen
The president is a citizen of America, so when he provides leadership to a important moral issue, he is the leader, the chief citizen, and people will follow and prosper.