The correct answer is Royal authority.
Mercy Otis Warren attacked Royalty authority in her poems and plays.
2.foreingers were not allowed
D.) beliefs and how we respond to them, but not our understanding
The real correct answer is a TRACTOR
Answer: the study of astronomy in ancient times was mainly to keep track of the time and different seasons. This was very important in farming practices eapecially when to plant.
Explanation: Astronomical achievement of ancient cultures:
1. The Aztecs built Temple Mayor used to mark and keep track of the beginning and end of the different seasons
2. The Egyptians constructed huge obelisks which may have been used as clocks interpreted as light struck them at different parts of the day
3. The Greeks developed the Metonic cycle which is a 19 year cycle on which the dates of different phases of the moon repeat
4. The Druids were believed to have built Stonehenge as a clock to tell time as well as different phases of the moon and sun.