While many processes remain the same between the two contract types, the primary difference is in the legal powers of the federal government. This authority gives the government unique flexibility in changing contracts to suit its needs.
The correct answer is D. is a government designation that a private firm is the only legal producer of a good or service.
The Franchise is a type of contract in which one company (the franchisor) grants to another (the franchisee) the right to market certain products or services within a given geographical area and under certain conditions, in exchange for financial compensation.
Therefore we have two main figures:
- The franchisor: provides marketing rights so that the franchisor can use its brand, the commercial name and the design of the franchisee's establishment. In most cases, these elements cannot be modified to maintain the same levels of quality and form of the franchisor. In addition, the know-how, business experience and technical and commercial assistance during the term of the agreement are also provided.
- The franchisee: the owner of the business and who makes the necessary investments for its implementation, in addition to paying a fee to the franchisor to use your brand. This fee is like a "right of entry" into the business, in addition periodic amounts may also be established in the contract according to the volume of sales and / or technical and commercial assistance. In addition, the franchisee exclusively has the franchise regime with respect to a specific geographical area and a type of products.
Consumer EVA 7, 133.00
Commercial EVA 7,090.50
<u>Both are profitable</u>
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The EVA (economic value added) is the result from subtracting the cost of capital of the investment to their divisional income. This will determinate if the division increase the company's capital or destroyed (as it return less than optimal/desired)
Consumer Income 11,500
Investment: 35,500 + 4,200 = 39,700
EVA: 11,500 - 39,700 x 11% = 7, 133
Commercial Income 11,925
Investment: 39,750 + 4,200 = 43,950
EVA: 11,925 - 43,950 x 11% = 7090.5
Both division are profitable as they generate more income than the cost of the investment