In addition to patronage, merchant families during the Renaissance began to "spread the ideas" of the Renaissance, but promoting the artwork was that based primarily in Florence outside of the region.
They were all on the outskirt of the two sides and every one of them had motivations to go both routes in the contention.
Maryland was a slave state and from multiple points of view held to an indistinguishable thoughts from the Confederates. The most compelling motivation that they went poorly them is on the grounds that the US government ensured there were a lot of troops there, so Washington DC wasn't cut off amidst Confederate land.
Both Missouri and Kentucky had their own smaller than expected form of the Civil War going, where neighbors battled with neighbors.
The US was extremely involved in foreign affairs after the Spanish American War. This victory in helping liberate Cuba from Spanish control resulted in the creation of the "American empire." Thanks to this war, the US gained control of Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. These newly acquired territories were excellent places to send American goods, as businesses were producing more goods than ever thanks to the rapid industrialization taking place in American society.
The US continued to spread its power and influence by annexing other places, like Hawaii. Along with this, the US desired consistent trade with other countries, hence why they introduced the idea of the Open Door Policy in China.
When it came to the US, we wanted to continue our economic relations with several different countries. However, we did not want to initially get involved in overseas wars, as many Americans felt they were an expensive waste of time. This changed after events like the sinking of the Lusitania and the decoding of the Zimmerman Telegram. This resulted in the US joining World War I and helping the Allied powers achieve victory.
1Aztecs die
2jamestown is founded
3george Washington