It led to the Soviet Union removing all its nuclear missiles from Cuba and, later, American missiles from Turkey. It led to the signing of the Limited Test Ban Treaty in 1963 and a further thaw in the Cold War.
Cuba stayed communist and highly armed though the Soviet missiles were removed under UN supervision. Both sides considered they had secured a victory - Khrushchev had saved the communist regime in Cuba from invasion by the USA, and had negotiated a deal with the USA on the removal of their Jupiter missiles in Turkey.
In regard to medication errors, the hospital should follow protocols in regard to checking the correct drug before purchasing it for their pharmacy. 2 licensed pharmacists should check the label for the correct drug and dosage. In regard to the nurses, they should always verify doctor's order prior to administration.
Answer: B. It sometimes differs from the popular vote.
Such examples would be the presidential elections in the year 2000 and the year 2016, where the winner of the electoral college vote did not match up with the winner of the popular vote.
Personally, i don't think he is.
John Brown Believed that the only way to overthrow the institution of slavery is by doing an armed revolt. We have to aware that in his Era, slavery is very common. Is like owning a dog in this era. He probably tried to convince the slave owners to realize the value of human's dignity no matter what the race is but nobody agrees with his point of view.
1st Amendment: Gives everyone the right to free speech, right to assemble, and right to religion.
14th Amendment: Gave black men the right to vote. This amendment started making the preamble to the Constitution a reality.
19th Amendment: Gave women the right o vote. Makes the preamble to the Constitution real.