Air particles are a mixture of solids and liquids that are microscopically tiny and suspended by air currents. It can stay in the atmosphere for a few hours to a month or two. Their constituents can be various harmful substances such as heavy metals - lead, nickel, arsenic, cadmium or polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Air particles, nitrogen dioxide and ground-level ozone are now considered to be the three most polluting substances in human health. Exposure during peak concentration and long-term exposure to these pollutants can cause damage from respiratory distress to premature death.
an allergic reaction to the wasp bite
this happens when a wasp first stings u it's only temporary of course
"Both are young and only beginning to develop horizons and a soil profile"is the characteristic shared by both inceptisols and entisols, the soils of flood plains
Inceptisols and entisols are the soils that are seen in the floodplains. These soils are very weakly withered and also lacks organic matter. They are the sediments that comes from several other places through flood. The soil order of inceptisols in USDA in the soil taxonomy because they have the capability to form by the change of parent material. Also they are known to be more developed than that of entisols. Presence of clay, iron oxide, aluminium oxide and organic matters are also not found. But the entisols can not be changed from that of parent material. They are either rock or sediments.
Effects of exercise on breathing
During exercise there is an increase in physical activity and muscle cells respire more than they do when the body is at rest.
Woman jogging along a tree-lined path in a park.Exercise increases the rate and depth of breathing
The heart rate increases during exercise. The rate and depth of breathing increases - this makes sure that more oxygen is absorbed into the blood, and more carbon dioxide is removed from it.
The rate of breathing can be measured by counting the number of breaths in one minute. The depth of breathing can be measured using a spirometer (a device that measures the volume of air inhaled and exhaled).
To investigate the effects of exercise on breathing, record the rate of breathing for a few minutes when the person is at rest. After they do some exercise, record their rate of breathing every minute until it returns to the normal resting value.
The example that shows an organism maintaining homeostasis is b. a person sweating on a hot day. Homeostasis is an organism's ability to maintain a stable internal environment irrespective of the external environment. When a person's body overheats, the body releases water as perspiration or sweat to cool itself down. Another example is when a person gets cold, the hair on his arms and legs, stand up straight - to trap air circulating round his body, and heat it up.