Any word ending with the suffix -cide means to kill or death. Suicide specifically means to kill oneself. This is usually done because they believe their life has gotten to the point where there are no better alternatives and death is the only way to release some sort of pain or bad situation."
The plague, also the black death caused a drastic fall in the total population of the inhabitants of Europe.
The competition and congestion that was being experienced eased. Labour became a scarse resource out of the sudden reduction, there were plenty of jobs, with good pay, compared to the previous competition out of the large population of peasants.
There was a lot of land and therefore no congestion, land became cheaper and consequently led to high mobility.
Well if the vehicle that is passing him is speeding he should turn right but make sure there are no cars that are speeding on the right side as well.
It could cause a lot of chaos. As we have previously experienced, there was lots of protests over racism over the past years.