1. Fernando is 30 years old
2. Lives in Columbia
3. 6:20 am
4. Likes to hit the gym on his spare time and workout after he’s done goes home and plays with his dog
5. gym
6. (Not sure if they meant gym or work?) he likes to have workouts and be active and always keep a healthy lifestyle
7. Yes a dog
The questions you have already answer are incorrect
1. Hablemos
2. Vivan
3. Visite
4. Coma
5. Duerman
6. Estudien
7. Trabajen
8. Comprendas
9. Termines
The right answer is, C. Están hechas.
* Esas camisas están hechas de lana inglesa.
Identifying the narrator and the time that a sentence indicates is the first step that must be taken. this is very important to be able to logically conjugate the verbs, and that these have concordance with what is being expressed.
1. a. El día escolar de Jorge empieza a las _ ocho _ de la mañana y termina a la _una_ de la tarde. No tiene almuerzo porque come en la casa después de la escuela, pero tiene dos