Ustedes SON mexicanos.
answer: SON
25.No camping is allowed because the volcano can probably erupt or the ashes that are there can be harmful for people.
México tiene una universidad grande.
Tenemos mucha sed.
Valentina es una niña impaciente.
Tengo un examen corto de cinco minutos.
Ramón tiene varios cursos de matemáticas: cálculo, álgebra y geometría.
Hay dos profesores clavos en el departamento de lenguas.
<u>Some people want to be famous.</u>
Nouns require agreement in gender and number. Personas is feminine and plural, so "some" needs to be feminine and plural.
<u>No man wants to go to that movie.</u>
Hombre is singular and masculine.
<u>I don't know anything.</u>
"I don't know (lit. nothing) anything" vs. "I don't know something"
<u>I never read books.</u>
Words to describe how often something is done go before the verb.
<u>Some girls dance.</u>
M/F and # agreement