After they were freed, indentured servants were given their own small plot of land to farm.
Democratic Republicans attempted to scale back Federalist programs but actually overturned few of the institutions they had criticized Bank of the United States was retained until its charter expired in 1811.
Occurring near the end of the American Civil War, the assassination was part of a larger conspiracy intended by Booth to revive the Confederate cause by eliminating the three most important officials of the United States government
B. The Chaldean Empire
With the Assyrian decline, a local governor, Nabopolassar managed to become the king of Babylon by popular consent and founded a new dynasty, a Chaldean dynasty, which lasted until the Persian invasion of 539 BC. His successors were also great rulers and "Chaldean" became a synomym of "Babylonian."
Answer:"Christianity and the loss of traditional values. The decline of Rome dovetailed with the spread of Christianity, and some have argued that the rise of a new faith helped contribute to the empire's fall. The Edict of Milan legalized Christianity in 313, and it later became the state religion in 380."