Ans. The expected rate of return on the Inferior Goods Co. stock is 5.90%
Hi, you just have to multiply the expected earnings by the probability of occurance of a certain event and then add up all the products. Here is the information all organized to be processed.
Item Prob Earn
Booming 20% -6%
Normal 55% 7%
Recession 25% 13%
Ok, now let´s calculate the expected rate of return.

So the expected rate of return of the stock is 5.90%
Best of luck.
Consumption = (10 x 30) = 300
Investment = (100 x 2) = 200
Government Spending = (500 x 1) =500
13. Total GDP for this economy = Consumption + Investment+ Government spending
=(10 x 30) + (100 x 2) + (500 x 1)
14. Consumption % on GDP
= Consumption/ Total GDP x 100
=(300/1000) x 100
= 30%
15. Investment % in GDP
= Investment / Total GDP x 100
=(200/ 1000) x 100
16. Government spending % on GDP
=Government spending/ Total GDP x 100
=(500/1000) x 100
B. narrow, have been unemployed for 15 weeks or more weeks.
Unemployment rate refers to the percentage of the total labor force in an economy, who are unemployed but seeking to be gainfully employed. The unemployment rate is divided into various types, these include;
I. Natural Rate of Unemployment (NU).
II. Frictional unemployment rate (FU).
III. Structural unemployment rate (SU).
IV. Actual unemployment rate (AU).
V. Cyclical unemployment rate (CU).
There are different measures used in the measurement of the unemployment rate in a country's economy and these includes;
I. U-1: this is the percentage of people that are unemployed for at least 15 weeks or more.
II. U-2: this is the percentage of the people who have lost their job or the people that finished a temporary job.
U-1 is a more narrow measure of unemployment rate than the conventional U-3 measure and U-1 counts as unemployed workers who have been unemployed for 15 weeks or more weeks.