B. A slave would count as three-fifths of a person when counting population for representation.
support the new republic
From 1795 to 1799, France was ruled by the Directory for four years after the "Reign of Terror," when the nation was controlled by the Public Safety Committee. However, it was soon engulfed with wides[presad famine, war with neighboring nations, and even internal conflicts between revolutionaries and royalists. Moreover, these factors combined with corruption gave for Napoean to seize power, and his government called Consulate. The above statement reflects the zeal of the new government to gather public support.
"Domesticated animals" were a product of neolithic culture
The final division of the stone age is called as "New Stone Age or Neolithic". It was started nearly twelve thousand years ago.This age involves a transformation of behavioral and cultural characteristics with transitions including the application of wild, domestic crops like wheat, squash, corn,barley and domesticated animals like cattle, chickens, pigs, sheep.
The humans of this era utilized the Earth for fulfilling their food and other livelihood needs. It is considered that their brain was very keen to search regarding development of life style.
Constantine reigned during the 4th century CE and is known for attempting to Christianize the Roman Empire. He made the persecution of Christians illegal by signing the Edict of Milan in 313 and helped spread the religion by bankrolling church-building projects, commissioning new copies of the Bible, and summoning councils of theologians to hammer out the religion's doctrinal kinks. Constantine was also responsible for a series of important secular reforms that ranged from reorganizing the Roman Empire's currency system to restructuring Rome's armed forces. His crowning achievement was his dedication of Constantinople as his new imperial capital in 330.