The House has several powers assigned exclusively to it, including the power to initiate revenue bills, impeach federal officials, and elect the President in the case of an electoral college tie. ... The Senate has the sole power to confirm those of the President's appointments that require consent, and to ratify treaties.
Los autores de “Constructores de Otredad” explican que, así como la Antropología, al igual que toda ciencia, es una construcción, su definición de la “otredad cultural” es un modelo de la otredad que surge como objeto de estudio sin fundamento en un hecho empírico real, sino un constructo determinado por el contexto científico e histórico.
El evolucionismo construyó su objeto de estudio asumiendo que existe una diferenciación real entre el “otro” (como las culturas consideradas primitivas) y el “nosotros”.
Esta visión etnocentrista de la diversidad cultural fue el fundamento de atrociades tales como la conquista de América por parte de los colonos europeos que diezmaron e impusieron su propia cultura a los pueblos aborígenes americanos por considerarlos un “otro” inferior y primitivo.
There is no limit to how many times a senator can be re-elected.
It is not easy to get over the emotions of losing your job, particularly, a job you so much gave your best, that took most of your time.
It is better to reappraise the scenario, get yourself back up and readjust to see if the career is what is best for you.
Most people try to find the best career path based on what they enjoy doing, it is from what you enjoy doing, that is were you find satisfaction..
So it is better for her to appraise the situation and seek what is best for her other than still in emotional trauma.
Because we learn new things about our country our constituent assemblies about our prides .