A: melting snowman sweats drop of water under a bright sun
Mass is the amount of matter in a substance measured in kilograms
Genes are typically hundreds or thousands of base pairs in length because they code for proteins made of hundreds or thousands of amino acids. Most genes contain the information needed to make functional molecules called proteins.
1. Immunizing children against childhood diseases
- 2. Encourage breastfeeding
- 3. Prevent dehydration from diarrhea by giving mixture of sugar and salt in a glass of water
- 4. Give children vitamin A capsules 2X/year to prevent blindness
- 5. Provide family planning services for spacing children
- 6. Increase education for women, emphasizing nutrition, water sterilization, and childcare.
The order in which the amino-acids are placed within the polypeptide determines the tertiary structure and therefore the function of the given protein. Amino acids have different functional groups like methyl(CH3), phenyl(C6H5). Those functional groups can interact with molecules like glucose determining reactions, the proteins that catalyze reactions are called enzymes. Other functional groups of amino acids can be the sulfate groups. For example, insulin has 2 polypeptide chains(Chain A has 21 amino acids, and chain B, 30). Between the two polypeptide chains, 2 disulfide bonds form altering its shape.