Niccolo Machiavelli
Machiavelli was a diplomat in Florence who tried to answer how could a ruler guarantee that he would stay in power by writing The Prince in 1513. Machiavelli claimed that people were greedy and self-centered. He argued that rulers should not be good, and that rulers should do whatever is necessary to keep power and protect their city, including killing and lying. Today, when someone is called a Machiavellian, it means that they are acting tricky and not thinking about the good.
rice,sugar,oranges,cotton,tea leaves,
Find the last one. I found the answers from google. They may not be accurate.
The structure of Congress is based on two major determiners: equal representation for all states and representation based on population. The Senate has equal representation from each state by allowing exactly two senators from each state to be elected in. The House of Representatives is literally representative of the people because the number of reps from each state is based on population, as a states population grows or shrinks compared with other states it's number of allowed representatives rises and falls. For example, a state with a huge population like California has 53 reps while a state with significantly fewer residents, like Wyoming only has 1 rep. Most states fall in between.
In my school's legislature I would have two houses to make sure there was balance in representation. One house would have 3 students from each grade who were elected into their positions. The other house would have representatives from every major club or interest group based on how popular that group is. For example, there are a lot of athletes at this school so there might be 5 representatives elected to speak and vote on behalf of their group. There are much less people involved in yearbook so they would have 1-2 representatives. The legislative houses could meet regularly to discuss major issues in the school and come with ideas to make the school better. All the members would have an equal value in their vote about solutions to the issues. The two houses could pass ideas by each other for major progress and change. I think that this would be the best way to make sure that every student in our school was represented in our congress regardless of grade level or interest group.
Answer: increase trading
explanation: European rulers from the countries of Portugal, Spain, France, England, and the Netherlands wanted to increase their power by trading silks and spices found in Asia. To achieve their goal, they needed to find a sea route to Asia
Diseases bcs the the conqueror and his men brought infections that the Aztecs did not know how to cure