The correct answer is C) The people were born into social classes and remained there all their lives.
The Aryan's in the Indus River Valley had a ridged Caste System based on old beliefs. People were born into different social classes, called a caste. The highest caste were the Priests and the learned men while the lowest caste were the 'untouchables'
It was thought that the caste you are born was is based on how good or bad that person was in their previous life.
If the person was a sinner, they would be born into the lower castes, while if the person was a good in their previous life, they will be reincarnated into the higher castes.
Hence, moving from one caste to another was impossible and people.
Taxation Structure Peasants and nobles alike were required to pay one-tenth of their income or produce to the church (the tithe). Although exempted from the taille, the church was required to pay the crown a tax called the “free gift,” which it collected from its office holders at roughly 1/20 the price of the office.
Gold, God, and Glory. They went to the new world, America, so they could find new materials, gold being one of them. Then they used Religion as a smoke screen, covering up the real reason why they were there, to steal and obtain gold. They acted as if they were attempting to convert the American Indians over to Christianity. And then glory, they wanted to be praised because of their adventure to the new world.