The Western Allies developed industries in Germany because the Marshall plan was only for countries following the American Economic model. They also held on tightly to Berlin. In fact--Western Berlin was controlled by Allies which supplied food and other essential goods.
In part, the Cold War was a battle of ideas, which was contested in the media, on the floor of the United Nations, through all manner of propaganda, and in millions of interactions among Americans and their allies, the Soviet Union, “Red” China, and their allies, and the rest of the world. But the Cold War was not just about talk. It was also about action, and on a number of occasions the actions of the players on both sides of the Cold War divide resulted in confrontations and crises that brought the ideological adversaries to the brink of war.
That statement is false on a number of levels. Jeremy Bentham was not a boot maker. He was born to a wealthy family and was studying Latin by age three. He trained as a lawyer and became famous as a philosopher. Oh, and he died in 1832, so he wasn't doing much of anything in 1841. He is famous as one of the founders of Utilitarianism as an ethical theory. He also did philosophical work in regard to criminal justice and prisons. He proposed what he called the "Panopticon" as a design for prisons, in which all inmates can be observed from a central guard position.
The first astronomer to state the fundamental laws of planetary motion, Kelper was also known for his works in geometry, optics and philosophy.
the federal government was too weak to enforce their laws and basically had no power.
and The Continental Congress had borrowed money to fight the Revolutionary War and could not repay their debts.