when you communicate effectively with people around you,you learn more about them and vice versa. there is understanding between you.
Accident: unforseen event,mishap,disaster
Epitome:an abridgement,a compendium
Hi I was wondering if you had any more information to go along with this question so I could better understand the question.
Answer: by providing a clue that uncovers the treasure
The rest of the excerpt is showing to us what exactly caused their reaction to the spring. They are looking forward to it because as they said ''The treasure is in the spring, between the ash tree and the silver beech.''
''XAVIER The joyous sounds of spring. The joyous sounds of the spring. The spring! KENNETH (Jumping up) Where rocks and pebbles sing. The water going over the rocks and pebbles. And you can't get to it in the wintertime because the spring is frozen then. XAVIER (From behind the trees) The treasure is in the spring, between the ash tree and the silver beech.''
We can see that they are happy because of the sound of the spring and now they will be able to find the treasure since in the wintertime everything is under the snow.