*math question in the french subject* um…..oui?
Answer: Split up
In this episode, the Teen Detectives - Jake and Summer - are tasked with investigating the disappearance of art pieces all over the world. They go to a museum to investigate and notice a man take a picture of them but he then disappears.
Their investigations lead Summer to believe that the thieves are going to Greece and so she decides to go there as well while Jake investigates another lead. They therefore split up at the end of the episode.
Marie va aux États-Unis
Chloé va à New York
Francois va en Allemagne
Clément va à Tokyo
Sébastien va en France
Ps : I did but I do not know the instructions can you send it?
Hi !
Je voudrais t'invier à venir à la fête.
I hope I helped you ;) Bye !
11) Is asking, how many people are in your family?
12)Is asking, if you have brothers or sisters and if so how many?
13) Is asking if you have any pets and what is/are their name(s)?
14) Is asking if you have any cousins and if so, how old are they?
15) Is asking who do you like in your familly
1. a)vrai
5. b)faux
6. Tante (Aunt)
7. Neveu (Nephew)
8. Demi-frere (Step-Brother)
9. Cousins
10. Grand-pere (Grandpa)